(ROSENBERG) – The Rosenberg Police Department wants residents to be aware that after receiving an increasing number of complaints, the Traffic Division will be out next week primarily focusing on parking violations throughout the city. This includes but not limited to:

Parking on a Sidewalk
Parked facing the wrong way
In an intersection
On a Crosswalk
Blocking driveways
Within 15ft of a fire hydrant
within 20ft of a crosswalk at an intersection
within 30 feet on the approach to a flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway
For a list of parking violations under the Rosenberg City Ordinance you may click the following link. https://library.municode.com/.../codes/code_of_ordinances
Any vehicles found to be in violation are subject to citations and/or being towed from the roadway.