(FORT BEND COUNTY) - The Fort Bend County Precinct 1 Constable’s Office has achieved the “Accredited Law Enforcement Agency” designation from the Texas Police Chiefs Association Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.

Begun in 2006, the Accreditation Program evaluates a law enforcement agency’s compliance with 173 best practices for Texas law enforcement. These standards were carefully developed by Texas law enforcement professionals to assist agencies in the efficient and effective delivery of police service. The guiding principles cover all aspects of law enforcement operations including use of force, protection of citizen rights, vehicle pursuits, property and evidence management, and patrol and investigative operations.
This voluntary process required the constable’s office to conduct a critical self-review of the agency’s policies, procedures, facilities and operations. The lengthy process began in 2021 by preparing proofs of compliance for each of the Texas Law Enforcement Best Business Practices.
The Precinct 1 Constable’s Office becomes only the fourth constable’s office in Texas to attain accreditation.
“I consider our agency to be amongst the most professional and I take pride in the work my staff has done to receive this coveted award,” said Pct. 1 Constable Chad Norvell. “We’re also proud to be the first county-level agency in Fort Bend County to be accredited.”
The actual presentation of the award will take place at the TPCA annual conference in Galveston in March. More information and description of the program may be found at: http://www.texaspolicechiefs.org.