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Staff Writer

Missouri City’s Public Utilities Coordinator Retires after 33 Years of Service

(MISSOURI CITY) — After more than 33 years with the Missouri City Public Works Department, Utilities Coordinator Millie Holifield has announced her retirement.

Mayor Robin J. Elackatt presents Utilities Coordinator Millie Holifield with a certificate of recognition for her 33 years of service to the City of Missouri City.

Holifield started her career in 1990 within the Planning Department. She then moved to Public Works "as soon as she could" and has since served as the Utilities Coordinator for almost two decades. At the Monday, April 17 Regular City Council Meeting, Mayor Robin J. Elackatt presented her with a certificate of recognition for her years of outstanding service to the City of Missouri City.

"Thirty-three years of a career — it's a big deal," said Mayor Elackatt. "We thank you, and I know that you've served with other mayors and so many other council members, along with several directors."

Over her more than three decades of service, Holifield built a reputation as an honest and humble person. She was passionate about recycling and could often be seen collecting the recycling bins for pickup on trash day.

"Millie has seen a lot in the city," said Shashi Kumar, Director of Public Works, at the council meeting where Holifield was recognized. "She's got a lot of institutional knowledge, and she knows anything and everything about utilities."

Kumar also praised Holifield's dedication to her job, saying, "Hurricane or winter storm, night or day, she's always there."

During the recognition, Holifield took the opportunity to thank her coworkers, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council and the citizens she's been able to collaborate with in her time as Utilities Coordinator.

"I feel like I, along with them, have contributed to this growth and development in the city. I'm gonna miss the current Public Works department. It's a great team, and I sort of hate to leave on that account, because I really enjoy working with these people," Holifield said.

Holifield has timed her retirement to coincide with the birth of her first grandchild, expected to arrive in a few weeks. Her last day on the job will be April 28, 2023.


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