(FORT BEND ISD) - The Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2024-25 instructional calendar at its Regular Business Meeting on Monday. Specific Highlights of the 2024-2025 Instructional Calendar are:
Students’ first day of school will be August 8, 2024; Last day will be May 29, 2025
Includes a teacher planning day prior to the start of each grading period
Observes a holiday each month
Includes Dedicated Professional Development Time Before the Start of School
Allows for Job Embedded Professional Development Time Throughout the Year
Ends 1st Semester by Winter Break
Includes 75,600 operational minutes and a minimum bank of 840 minutes for unplanned district closures to protect safety and health
Adds a 5 Minute Extension to the instructional day
In adding the additional five minutes to the school day, start and end times required small adjustments. Projected start times for 2024-25 are shown below.
Elementary School will start at 8 a.m. and end at 3:20 p.m. (Teachers 7:50 - 3:50)
Middle School will start at 8:50 a.m. and end at 4:10 p.m. (Teachers 8:20 – 4:20)
High School will start at 7:30 a.m. and end at 2:50 p.m. (Teachers 7:10 - 3:10)
The start time for high school students was not addressed in the calendar development process.
The district’s calendar development process begins in the fall and includes a collaborative process that involves feedback from a cross section of stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, staff, interested community members and students. Input from these groups then go to the District Calendar Committee, which is made up of community members, a Board of Trustee representative, teachers, students, plus campus and district leaders. The committee designs draft calendars that are presented to all parents and staff in a survey. All feedback is then used to select a calendar version to present to the Board. At Monday night’s meeting, Trustees approved it unanimously.