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Katy ISD Ensembles Shine at TMEA Finals

Staff Writer

(KATY ISD) - After rounds of competitive listening, Katy ISD’s Seven Lakes High School Symphony Orchestra ranked first runner-up in the Honor Full Orchestra category during the Texas Music Educators Association Honor Ensemble Competitions.

Seven Lakes High School Symphony Orchestra

This ensemble is conducted by Desiree Overree, John Mays and Sean Carlton. Other Katy ISD campuses and directors who also represented the district well included the Seven Lakes Junior High Honor Orchestra, led by Directors Jennifer Gingell and Bethany Hagin, earned sixth place in the TMEA Honor JH String Orchestra Competition, and the Adams Junior High Honor Band, directed by Darlene Blose and Randallyn Holdford, placed ninth in the state in the 3C Honor Band Competition.

Additionally, every year various ensembles receive honorary invitations to participate in the annual TMEA Convention. This year, Invited Honor Ensembles include the Holland Elementary Choir, directed by Melissa Talton, and the Beckendorff Junior High Non-Varsity Tenor/Bass Choir, directed by Bonnie Hulse and Julie Rodriguez.

Finally, SLHS Director of Orchestras Desiree Overree was acknowledged as a 2023 Honored Artist from the American Prize in Music, an exclusive national recognition for individuals or organizations who have demonstrated sustained excellence in their chosen area of artistic endeavor.

“I am beyond humbled and touched by this award and am taken completely by surprise! Truly, this means so much to me,” said Desiree Overree. “I honestly don’t have the words to describe what a tremendous honor it is to be acknowledged by an organization of this stature. My students continue to inspire me to create great art through music. I am beyond blessed.”


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