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FBISD Teacher/Instructional Aide Virtual Recruiting Event Scheduled for July 12

Staff Writer

(FORT BEND ISD) - Fort Bend ISD will host a “Virtual Connections” recruiting event for teachers and instructional aides who want to learn more about the job opportunities available in the district and connect with campus leaders. The next event is scheduled for July 12 from 4 – 5:30 p.m.

Advance registration is required. All teacher candidates must be certified to teach or have a valid Statement of Eligibility in order to participate. Candidates interested in Instructional Aide positions are invited to attend the July 12 Virtual Connection event. All instructional aide candidates must have a minimum of 48 college hours and/or have passed the ParaPro assessment.

Registration is currently open. Visit to learn more and register. Candidates are also asked to apply for a position of interest that is in alignment with their teaching certification, credentials and/or experience. To view all current job listings and apply, visit


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