(ROSENBERG) - The City of Rosenberg is seeking additional volunteers for committees and task forces. The city's boards, commissions, and committees serve as a link to city council and staff to help keep Rosenberg's City government responsive and accountable to the needs of the residents.

The city relies on the advice and expertise provided by resident volunteers. Service on any City board, commission, or committee is a responsibility that could involve a significant time commitment. Members serve on a volunteer basis without compensation and are expected to diligently attend and participate in all meetings.
Those boards/committees currently seeking additional members include:
Image Committee (minimum 7 positions)
Must be resident of city or owner of property or a business located in the city
Water/Wastewater Impact Fee Advisory Task Force (2 positions)
1 position for Real Estate Industry/Development Rep
1 ETJ Citizen Rep
Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) Evaluation Committee (1 position)
Must be resident of city or owner of a business located in the city
Steps to Apply
Applicants must complete an application and submit it to the City Secretary's office to be considered for appointment by the deadline of Thursday, June 13, 2023 at 5 p.m. Applications can be submitted by:
Submit the Boards, Commissions, and Committees Application (PDF) by email to Danyel Swint
Mail or hand deliver Boards, Commissions, and Committees Application (PDF) to City Secretary: 2110 4th Street Rosenberg, TX 77471
Call 832-595-3340 for more information.
Read about each of the City's boards, commissions, committees, and task force responsibilities.